Monday, April 29, 2013

Temporary Hiatus

Yes, it's the dreaded 'H' word, but please let me explain.

Audra has been kind enough to agree to a 2 week hiatus of ATR to allow me time to finish (or at least mostly finish) my other project and it also gives her the opportunity to put some extra time into LFS.  If my other project wraps up as I expect it to, we will probably even increase the posting frequency on ATR, but that hasn't been 'officially' decided yet.

Sooo.....  That's where we are and I hope you'll rejoin Jon and Sheridan (and US!) in two weeks for the rest of their adventure.  There are still great things to come!  Promise! :)


  1. So retarded.......

    1. Well, aren't you mature. Do you even have a clue how much time goes into writing one of these stories, let alone two? It's two weeks for Pete's sake. If you can't be patient enough to wait that's your business, but coming on here throwing names around is just plain RUDE!

      Blush and Audra take all the time you need. I for one, along with others I'm sure will be here when you get back.

    2. agree!!!! Thank you for all the hard work you all do for our reading pleasure :)

  2. Well I guess I see WHY Blush and Audra got rid of being about to post as "anonymous" for awhile!

    Most of your readers will understand! I am excited to see what you have in store for Jon and Sheridan! Audra working on LFS sounds awesome too!! See you back her in 2 weeks :)

  3. I'll be waiting with baited breath!!! :) I missing another great story somewhere?? LFS????

    Thanks, gals! LOVE, love, love your stories! <3

    1. LFS - "Love For Sale" Link to prologue is below - I suppose Blush won't kill me for pimping out the other story on this site. If you start now, you can have LFS read by the time "After the Rain" resumes posting :D

    2. Ah! Thanks! I *am* reading that one also - didn't know that Audra was "emerald isle"! :) You gals are FANTASTIC writers!!! Thank you for sharing your gifts!! :)

    3. Audra and Emerald Isle are different people, collaborating on LFS.

  4. I never put 2 & 2 together! You do Love For Sale! Well okay if your going to wrap that one up I'll let you guys take a break from the other 2. But I'll miss LFS also. You really do write great stories! Love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. "Love For Sale" isn't on hiatus - it's still on schedule to post once a week, usually on Wednesdays, until such time as there's a stockpile and then we'll post more often. Thanks for reading :D

  5. Come back whenever you're ready, ladies - your writing is always worth the wait. Joanne

  6. Or you picked the wrong artistic direction trying to follow Tori, Summer, Pirate, etc. and now you don't know where to go. Basically like all of your stories.

    1. Look, I don't know who you are, what you do, or what your story is. I don't care if you know any of these people in reality or just think you know them here in this Jovi-centric world. The only thing I care about is the fact that you are an obnoxious and very rude person that doesn't do anything but spread negativity. You are constantly making snide remarks that seem intensely personal to me regarding the writers, characters and story lines. I have yet to see where any of Blush or Audra's stories could come anywhere close to plagiarism. So until you can figure out a way to remove the bug that has taken up residence in your rear, maybe you should invest in some Duck tape or other type of restraint and keep your nastiness to yourself.

      The rest of the readers enjoy this story so leave us to it and it to us and find a new site to abuse. Otherwise, come prepared to back up your continuous slanderous accusations with PROOF. FYI hot air and chemically altered realties do not constitute proof.

      Thank you and good riddance,

    2. WOW! I can only speak on behalf of myself and my story when I say that, the artistic direction of both these stories is anything BUT the same, and if you spent more time actually reading them instead of slamming the writers you would see it too.

      I have to agree with Anonymous 4:16pm, you are rude and obnoxious. It is pretty ballsy to accuse someone of following other writers and not have the proof to back it up.

      So, if you have nothing nice to say and you're not happy with this story, leave. We won't miss you.

  7. This is becoming a pattern with you Blush. You do this disappearing act whenever the amount of readers leaving comments dwindle down. Personally I think you should consider taking a long break from writing to get your act together before starting a story because all these breaks are ridiculous!

    Bring on the backlash.

    1. Sure, because Blushnscarlet sits around and writes solely for your enjoyment or lack of, whichever the case may be.

      These writers have LIVES outside of the fan fiction world. We know for a fact the she is writing more than one story. Things get hectic and life interferes. You can't put your "hobbies" ahead of your actual, real life necessities, as much as we would like to immerse ourselves in the wonderful world of Jovi 24/7, for most of us that isn't even a remote possibility. Taking a break to regroup, make sure you are balancing your life, or just because you need one for mental clarity-who cares. I'd rather her take a two week VACATION, than to bow out for personal reasons and never return to finish the story.

      Derogatory you are not helping and may actually be one main reason she NEEDS a break.

      As I so clearly stated before and a BIG Thank You to Tori for not letting you use her or her work, produce proof. Since you obviously do not have any, why don't YOU try writing a good, high quality story and see how many breaks you need to take to make sure you aren't just posting because you have a deadline. I would LOVE to read your attempt. By all means please post a link to YOUR work so that we can all come and read your riveting tale and treat you with the same kindness that you've shown one of our favorite writers.


  8. To poster 4/30/13 6:20PM - A coward hides behind anonymity.
    I love the story and am very contend to wait patiently. Thank you.

  9. Wow! Where do these ignorant and stupid people come from?! Under the bridge most probably!

    Girls, I appreciate all the work you do to give many many people a lot of enjoyment so please totally ignore those comments. I enjoy reading all of your stories and hope my comment here is read by all you great writers who give up their own time etc.

    I think I would disable the anonymous option and enjoy the comments from your dedicated readers. I just wish more people would leave more comments of support and appreciation so you know we are reading. Although I'm sure you know from your counters of how many people read your stories.

    Again, thank you, all of you, and enjoy your break and I so look forward to catching up with this story soon!!

  10. I think you ladies are doing great sorry i havent comented in awhile but my google was acting up take all the time you need i will be waiting when you return.

  11. Wow...can't believe some of these posters - they sure are brave behind their cloak of anonymity!

    Personally, I don't see what they're talking about...yes, you take breaks. Last time I checked, you're both human... well, actually, I haven't met Blush, so I'm just assuming that there, but I'm pretty sure it's true. LOL. But if not, I'm pretty sure aliens are entitled to breaks too.

    Secondly, I don't see how you've picked the "wrong artistic direction" seeing as both of you have written/are writing stories that are among my favorites. Out of all the stories currently in the works, Focused on You and Love for Sale are two of my three favorites (and they're both among my top 10 all-time favorites as well! And that really says something since neither of them is Richie-centric.)

    Take whatever time you need, you two. As the old saying goes "Those who matter don't mind & those who mind don't matter."

  12. Replies
    1. Hopefully Tomorrow it'll be. I miss Jon and Sheridan so f*ing much.

    2. I miss them it time yet?

  13. New chapter will be posted tomorrow.
